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019. Crush Price Objections (afternoon)

Instructor: Paul Reilly

Level of Complexity: Intermediate
1:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Price objections were the spark that ignited the Value-Added Selling revolution. Even though price objections remain the number one objection salespeople encounter on a daily basis, salespeople are woefully unprepared to deal with them. This results in price-sensitive customers out-negotiating salespeople. You win price wars one price battle at a time. Crush Price Objections arms salespeople with the tactical knowledge they need to prevail in price negotiations—to persist when buyers resist. The specific focus of this program is dealing with price-sensitive customers and protecting margins.
Learning Objectives:
  1. Describe the number one reason customers object to price.
  2. Classify the five different types of price objections.
  3. List three strategies to gain a pre-emptive selling advantage.
  4. Demonstrate seven ways to respond to any price objection.

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Strategic Pricing For Distributors: Tools and Rules for Building Higher Margins

Brent Grover

UID Book Store Covers

Experience shows that most distributors are leaving at least two percentage points of gross trading margin on the table. This translates into 2% of total sales. Many companies can ultimately achieve more. The improvement is attainable fairly quickly and has proven to be sustainable. Two percent is the difference between mediocre profit results and stellar performance!

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